[Job Offer] Research Assistant in Economics at CSH, Deadline – 15 October 2022.
Job Summary:
The CSH is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
This position is for a period of 3-4 months on a full-time basis. The candidate selected will work under the supervision of Dr. Tista Kundu, on a research project (Inequality in India) which aims to empirically investigate inequality of opportunity with a large-scale Indian database with various methods and research questions.
Preference will be given to candidates with a Master’s degree or above in Economics.
- Familiarity with large-scale Indian micro-databases (NSS, PLFS, Census, etc.) is a necessary requirement for this job. The candidate must have prior experience in data analysis in at least one of the above-mentioned datasets.
- Candidate must have excellent knowledge of STATA and strong data analysis skills including data cleaning, data visualization, and producing descriptive statistics with detailed graphs.
- The candidate is required to have STATA installed on her/his laptop.
- The candidate is expected to replicate econometric models with different databases and specifications (a guideline code will be given), and should be able to produce the results with appropriate tables and diagrams.
- A background knowledge of basic econometrics/microeconomics could be helpful.
Status and Remuneration:
- Work Place: CSH, 2 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Road, New Delhi-110011
- Salary: INR 30,000 per month
Application and Selection:
The candidates should send a CV along with a brief cover letter electronically to tista.kundu@csh-delhi.com latest by 15th October 2022, midnight (Indian time).
Note: Only those selected for interview will be contacted.