Clémence Jullien & Roger Jeffery, virtual book launch “Childbirth in South Asia: Old Challenges and New Paradoxes” on 9 December 2021

Clémence Jullien & Roger Jeffery, virtual book launch “Childbirth in South Asia: Old Challenges and New Paradoxes” on 9 December 2021

Professor Clémence Jullien, an associate member of the CSH and research fellow at CEIAS-EHESS/CNRS, had co-written a book with Roger Jeffery, professor, School of Social Political Sciences, University of Edinburg, entitled “Childbirth in South Asia: Old Challenges and New Paradoxes“. The virtual launching of the book will be on Thursday, 9th December 2021 at 14h00 UK or 15h00 CET or 19h30 Indian time.

For zoom link and more details: Launch-Book (

Abstract: Childbirth in South Asia: Old Challenges, New Paradoxes is a sweeping overview of recent critical research on the transformations in the experience, management, and policymaking processes of maternal health in South Asia. This volume is the first of its kind to bring together interdisciplinary work on childbirth by anthropologists, sociologists, historians and public health experts working across the region. Exploring reproductive care from the vantage point of mothers (or mothers-to-be) and families, a wide range of medical practitioners, and policymakers, the accessible chapters in this book elucidate enduring and novel challenges to providing humane high-quality reproductive care in this rapidly changing and diverse part of the world in the early 21st century.

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