[Call for papers] The impossible wedding? The crisis of social reproduction of the South Asian peasantry, Deadline – 19 February 2023
Joël Cabalion, Hélène Guétat-Bernard, and Clémence Jullien are co-ordinating a special issue entitled “The impossible wedding? The crisis of social reproduction of the South Asian peasantry“.
This special issue engages with the question of men’s bachelorhood in South Asia today (Alter 1997) and analyses its relationship to farming and more globally marriage. If sexuality and gender studies have of late received more attention in the field of social sciences (Aneja 2019; Christy 2017; Roy 2020), it appears as though certain “old issues” (Bourdieu 2007; Brandes 1976) have resurfaced in remarkably different contexts, raising new questions on the making and unmaking of men at the intersection of gender, class and caste or ethnicity (Sobo and Bell 2001; Schubert 2020).
Contributions are invited from a range of disciplines, including, but not restricted to: anthropology, sociology, geography, political studies, demography and history.
Submit your proposal for this thematic issue, please send a word document specifying your name, field of research, institutional affiliation, status, a title for your paper, an abstract of 300 words in length and 5 key words by e-mail to: Joël Cabalion (joel.cabalion@univ-tours.fr), Hélène Guétat-Bernard (helene.guetat@ifpindia.org), and Clémence Jullien (clemence.jullien@ehess.fr).
The deadline is Sunday, February 19th, 2023.
For detailed information: Click Here
Joël CABALION, associate professor of sociology and anthropology at the University of Tours, researcher at CITERES as well as associated member of the CEIAS. Presently researcher at the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi.
Hélène GUÉTAT-BERNARD, professor of sociology, socio-economist and geographer, ENSFEA, researcher at LISST-Dynamiques Rurales, CNRS, Toulouse and affiliated researcher at the French Institute of Pondicherry, UMIFRE 21, India
Clémence JULLIEN, research fellow in anthropology at the Centre for South Asian Studies (CEIAS-CNRS/EHESS) in Paris, and associated member at the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi.
Do feel free to circulate this CFP among interested colleagues.
We look forward to hearing from you.