Fragmented governance, divided cities The need for an integrated view on urban waste water: A Case Study of Delhi by cshmanager · January 1, 2012 By:Anna ZIMMERIn :Dams, Rivers and People N°2, volume 10, pages 9-13Year :2012
Landy, Frédéric, Dorin, Bruno, 2022. “L’État au secours de la transition agroécologique ? Le cas de l’Inde” Mouvements , 101(1), pp 94-106 March 14, 2022 by CSH Delhi · Published March 14, 2022
Guilmoto, Christophe, 2022. “An alternative estimation of the death toll of the Covid-19 pandemic in India” PLoS ONE , 17(2) March 3, 2022 by CSH Delhi · Published March 3, 2022
Agarwal, B., & Dorin, B. (2019). Group farming in France: Why do some regions have more cooperative ventures than others?. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(3), 781-804. November 12, 2018 by cshmanager · Published November 12, 2018