Forward and Backward Linkages of Migrants to Slums in Delhi, by Vandana Solanki
Earlier Migration has been seen as having negative influence on a city (UNICEF 2011). It has been proved later that it affects positively with remittances contributing in both backward and forward linkages. People move to urban areas due to economic opportunities followed by cultural, social, environmental factors (Nair 2011, Singh 1994). Migrants contribute to the development of their place of origin by sending remittances, which diversify risk, increase consumption capacity, provide financial support and knowledge (Dev 2011). The migrants stay largely in slums, which are environmentally unsustainable habitats (Kumar 2006, UNFPA 2007). The present study analyses the linkages between migrants’ place of origin and destination, based on primary survey data of Delhi.
This study has been published in the Indian Journal of Regional Science Vol.XLVI,No.1, 2014.