[International school] Geospatial data and Research : the Delhi R school
The Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) are pleased to announce the Geospatial data and Research : the Delhi R school to be held from 9th to 12th April 2019 at Centre for the Study of Regional Development
The Delhi GIS-R school is an Indo-French cooperation (CNRS-CPR-JNU) that has been designed as a programme of intensive training workshops addressing theoretical and methodological issues in spatial modelling. This event provides unique opportunity for advanced scholars/researchers to treat an important amount of spatialised data. The program will combine lectures and R-tutorials during morning sessions; participants will develop projects in small groups (2-3 participants) during the afternoon sessions. This will allow them to apply methods and technical skills that will be introduced during the morning sessions.
This school will be held from 9 till 12th April 2019. It is designed for scholars/researchers already well trained in R. A selection will be made prior to the school. The deadline for application is 27th March 2019. A CV of the applicant has to be sent along with the email.
Applications/queries need to be sent to : gisrschool@gmail.com. Deadline: 28th March 2019
About the speakers:
Paul Chapron is a researcher in computer science at the French National Mapping Agency (IGN). His themes of interest are Theoretical Geography (urban systems), Sociology of Organizations, Urban planning (right to build). He is especially interested in Agent Based Modelling, Simulation Model Analysis and Spatial Analysis methods.
Hadrien Commenges is an associate professor of Geography at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He has been an urban transportation expert in Barcelona and his research focuses on quantitative methods applied to urban geography, mainly in the field of urban mobility and transportation. Prof. Commenges obtained his PhD from Université Paris Diderot.
Thomas Louail holds a permanent research position at CNRS Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS) and is currently posted at Géographie-cités in Paris. His work is on the use of pervasive anonymised individual data to measure, model, and hopefully better understand social dynamics. He has a PhD in computer science from the University of Evry.
Eric Denis, CNRS director of UMR Geographie-cités, Paris
Partha Mukhopadhyay, Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi
Milap Punia, Professor, CSRD, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Olivier Telle, Head of Territorial Dynamics, Centre de Sciences Humaines, Delhi
Delhi GIS R School Programme (PDF)