[CSH Lecture Series #13 – ONLINE] From the Globe back to India: What Next for Return Migrants? (S. Irudaya Rajan)
The Centre de Sciences Humaines is pleased to invite you to the CSH Seminar
S. Irudaya Rajan
International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD)
From the Globe back to India: What Next for Return Migrants?
The session will be online via Zoom on 31st May 2021, 05:00 pm onwards:
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The COVID 19 pandemic caused great disruption to the world economy and, as a result, has led to the widespread return of migrant workers from their destinations due to a loss of livelihoods. India, being one of the largest senders of migrant workers in the world will be particularly hit, with migrants returning from all parts of the globe and especially the Gulf Cooperation Council countries – which host around 10 million Indians. This talk will focus on the impacts of return migration to India. Through an estimation of the number of return migrants and the conditions in which they are expected to return, it will focus on its economic and social impacts. Finally, the talk will also highlight some key policies to enact in order to facilitate the rehabilitation and re-integration of these migrants back into the Indian economy and society. It will also look forward at the various ways in which new corridors of migration can be encouraged in the future.
Irudaya Rajan is Chairman, the International Institute of Migration and Development, India (IIMAD). Prior to this, he was Professor at the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) and set up a Research Unit on International Migration (RUM), fully funded by the erstwhile Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and acted as a chair during 2006-2016. With more than three decades of research experience, he has coordinated eight migration surveys in Kerala since 1998 (with Professor K.C. Zachariah), led the migration surveys in Goa, Punjab and Tamil Nadu and provided technical support to the Gujarat migration survey. He has published extensively in national and international journals on demographic, social, economic, political and psychological implications of both internal and international migration. He is editor of the two Routledge series India Migration Report (annual) since 2010 and South Asia Migration Report (biennial) since 2017 and is the founder editor-in-chief of the journal Migration and Development.