Beyond the Transition Phase of WTO: An Indian Perspective on Emerging Issues

  • Year :
  • Pages :
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  • Editor :
    Academic Foundation
In a volume aimed at all social scientists, economists and lawyers come together in Beyond the Transitional Phase of the WTO: An Indian Perspective on Emerging Issues to discuss topics ranging from the International Trade in Services including Telecommunications, Transport, Education and E-commerce to questions of compatibility between Obligations towards Environmental Protection and Social Concerns codified in international treaties and protocols and an international Trade Regime that promotes free trade. The contributors discuss current problems that affect India’s agriculture like SPS-TBT, and Agricultural Subsidies as well as the issue of Seed Protection and Genetically Modified Crops. The volume also looks at problems and prospects of Indian industry in the face of the MFA phase-out and TRIPS. This projective volume not only projects future problems that will rise as India enters into an increasing number of Regional Trading Arrangements but also grapples with legal problems like India’s experiences where Dispute Resolution at the WTO are concerned. The volume concludes with a discussion on the Singapore Issues like Trade Facilitation, Government Procurement and Competition Policy. The volume not only discusses the importance of these issues to India as well as the current ‘state of play’ but suggests the appropriate positions for India to take on all these issues at the WTO negotiations and other fora if a Global Agreement on an issue is not probable.

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