
“Malgudi is where we all belong, and where we wish we lived” (R.K. Narayan)


Dr. Rémi de Bercegol is a CNRS research fellow at CSH, affiliated in France to PRODIG (UMR 8586, Paris). He has a doctorate in urban planning from LATTS (research group on technology, territories and societies) at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Université Paris Est, France.

He has been collaborating with CSH since 2008, when he worked as Scientific Secretary for two years and was a visiting PhD candidate. During this time, he worked on his book ‘Small towns and decentralisation in India’ (Springer, 2017). His current research focuses on socio-technical transition of basic urban services (water, sanitation, waste, energy) in India (as well as in East Africa and South East Asia), and more broadly urban dynamics. On top of publishing his work, Dr. Rémi de Bercegol has been also involved in different exhibitions to communicate about his research activities.

His current projects are:

  • “Alter Systems” (with MITI CNRS)
  • “Real Estate for the Lower Middle Classes” (with Université Paris 1)
  • “Energy Transition” (with ANR Hybridelec)
  • “CHALLINEQ” (with EQUIP)

Selected recent publications in English:

The full list of publications is available here: http://www.prodig.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article2676

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