Christine MOLINER

Christine MOLINER

Dr. Christine Moliner is an associate professor at the Jindal School of International Affairs (JGU, Haryana). She holds a PhD in social anthropology from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, where she worked on the Sikh Diaspora identity narratives and transnational practices in Europe.
She has conducted extensive fieldwork in France, the UK, India and Pakistan and has taught introduction to anthropology and sociology courses, religion and politics, Sikh studies and migration studies courses.
She is currently working along three lines of inquiry:
1- The impact of the criminalization of labour migration on the socio-economic and health conditions of South Asian migrants in France, as well as on the making of their subjectivities.
2- Sikh minority status in India and Sikhs’ relation to Hindu majoritarianism
3- Social change, rising inequalities and the human cost of international migration in Punjab and Kerala

She is a fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations, a research consortium on migration issues ( and a co-editor of the online academic journal SAMAJ (South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal)

Most of her publications can be accessed at:


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